Sunday, November 15, 2020

Connetquot River State Park

One of my favorite hikes in the fall is the Green Trail in Connetquot River State Park. I like to hike to Bunces Bridge and then take the trails leading to the Artesian Wells. The above photo was taken early this morning while I was on the Green Trail.  During this pandemic, lots of people are visiting the parks, especially Connetquot River State Park and the Bayard Cutting Arboretum and they have to turn visitors away. The key to getting in (and also walking in peace and quiet) is to get there early like I did today.  

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hanging Out with the Canada Geese

A birder once told me that if you study a flock of Canada geese you just might see a different type of goose hanging out with them. After hearing this, I have made it a habit to always look at flocks of Canada geese to see if I could see another type of goose among them. Yesterday I finally saw something different (the bird on the left). After some research, I have come to the conclusion that it was a Greylag and Canada goose hybrid.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Monarch in the Garden


This morning, while letting the dog out, I spotted this Monarch caterpillar munching on a milkweed plant in my garden. He had made a pretty good dent into the leaf, but he better hurry up and become a butterfly if he wants to start migrating soon.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Hummingbirds in August

During August, the hummingbirds frequently visit my backyard feeders. Just before dusk seems to be their favorite time to feed. I can sit in a chair on my patio and it isn't too long until I see one. 

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Eastern Kingbird in Heckscher State Park

I've seen plenty of Eastern Kingbirds in Heckscher State Park. These feisty little characters are often perched on bare branches (like the one pictured above), waiting to challenge any bird that enters its territory. No matter how big the other bird might be, the Kingbird is up for a fight. I've seen them dive bombing, for no reason, ospreys just sitting in their nests. I didn't see the one I photographed today attacking anyone, but you can tell he's ready for action.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Cabbage White on Lavender

This picture of a cabbage white on lavender was taken in my backyard. I believe these butterflies are considered by many to be pests, but they look so delicate and pretty that I felt they were worthy of a photograph.

Laughing Gulls

During the summer, it is easy to identify laughing gulls because their heads turn black. There are many of them in Heckscher State Park, where I mostly see them in flocks hanging out on the grassy fields. I have a lot of photos of them, but I like this one because the gull looks rather striking in flight with a blue sky background.