Thursday, November 29, 2012

Late November

Connetquot River State Park during late November
A fawn that still has some spots, although very faint ones.

Nutting Song
by Paul Laurence Dunbar

The November Sun invites me,
And although the chill wind smites me,
I will wander to the woodland
Where the laden trees await;
And with loud and joyful singing
I will set the forest ringing,
As if I were King of Autumn...


At December 6, 2012 at 9:05 AM , Blogger Colleen Gribbin said...

Dear Diane,

I just stumbled upon your blog yesterday evening. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.

I have not been in the Connetquot River State Park for several years. In high school, I was on the Cross Country and Track team and we did many of our long runs there. I did not realize how much wildlife there is in the park, as I'm sure our running scared the animals off. I hope to take a walk in there sometime soon when I am visiting my family in Bohemia.

Once again, thank you for your posts and I look forward to seeing more of your photography!

- Colleen

At December 7, 2012 at 4:27 PM , Blogger Diane said...

Thank you for your kind and positive comments. Yes, Connetquot River State Park is a wonderful place for hiking and seeing nature. I hope when you are visiting your family you get to see some of it. Thanks again. I'm glad someone stumbled upon my blog.


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