Thursday, January 24, 2013

In the Wintertime

 In the wintertime we go
Walking in the fields of snow
Where there is no grass at all;
Where the top of every wall,
Every fence and every tree,
Is as white as white can be...
Excerpted from White Fields by James Stephens

When walking in snow, I think of the above poem. My first grade teacher recited it once while having the class bang on pots with spoons to the rhythm of the verse. I admit that sometimes it feels like a curse that I can't forget that. Other things I think of on snowy days are foxes and hawks. The snow seems to draw them out. So I wasn’t surprised to see both creatures today. Early in my walk I spotted a red-tailed hawk; later when I was returning to my car I saw a fox. All this made my winter walk feel complete.


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