Sunday, March 31, 2013


On this Easter Sunday, it is beginning to feel like spring. The weather is warming up a bit and some of the daffodils by the fish hatchery at the Connetquot River State Park are blooming. While walking, it is invigorating to see color returning to the park. After having experienced a winter that seemed like perpetually grey days, I am so looking forward to a colorful spring.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Skunk Cabbage

This month I have been starting to see Skunk Cabbage forcing its way up through the mud along the river and swampy areas of Connetquot River State Park.  As you might surmise, the plant earns its name from its odor, which serves to attract flies and other insects that aid in its pollination process. The plant has the great ability to create its own heat source.  Once it emerges, it will keep itself around 70 degrees, even when the temperatures surrounding it are at freezing.  The one pictured above looked like a heart to me, which seemed somewhat appropriate knowing its natural warmth.