Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Deer

I have not seen too many deer at Connetquot River State Park the past couple of months. Why that is I do not know.  However, this weekend I started seeing them again and noticing that the bucks are growing antlers. I read that they start sprouting again on the bucks in the spring, but since I saw so few deer the past couple of months, I can't say when it began. However, this buck with his new velvet covered antlers, I thought was impressive and very worthy of a picture.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Rabbit Visitor

I didn't have to go far to see this rabbit. Yesterday morning and today when I walked out my front door, he was sitting on my front lawn. Today he kindly allowed me to take his photograph before he hopped into the hedges. I rather like my new little visitor, and hopefully he'll stay awhile.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Box Turtle

During the summer I will usually encounter a few box turtles at the Connetquot River State Park. I am always delighted when one crosses my path because they are so colorful, charming, and seemingly thoughtful looking creatures. I read in a New York State Department of Agriculture publication that the male box turtles have red eyes and the rear section of their plastron (under shell) is concave. I didn't pick this one up to look at its plastron (I would never disturb a creature in the park), but looking at its brown eyes I'd guess this was a female, perhaps one who has just enjoyed some berries and could use a napkin.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Green Frogs

Green Frog at "Alligator Pond" in Connetquot River State Park
This past Sunday when I was walking at Connetquot River State Park, I heard a chorus of green frogs. I can only describe the sound as being like the twang of loose banjo strings being plucked. Although they were very loud, these frogs were hard to find because they were well hidden. However, I did take the time to seek out and find a couple to photograph.