Tuesday, October 15, 2013


    "The trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight the water
mirrors a still sky;" 
William Butler Yeats
Yesterday was Columbus Day and I was off from work with some free time to walk, but the Connetquot River State Park was closed.  I went instead to Westbrook Pond which is one of the loveliest spots in our area, but unfortunately it has a litter problem. Whenever I walk the Greenbelt Trail that runs along Westbrook Pond and Sunrise Highway, I see lots of garbage that people have thrown out their car windows as they drive by this beautiful spot. It is sad that some people do this. My son and I have cleaned up the area a couple of times, but it doesn't take long for more trash to appear. I admit it is a losing battle.


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