Monday, June 9, 2014


A small patch of grass growing on the Green Trail

A tick on a blade of grass on the Green Trail
There are many signs at Connetquot River State Park warning hikers about ticks and yes, indeed, ticks are a problem, but they can be avoided. Many people know to stay on the paths and to avoid the grassy areas surrounding them. I would recommend to also stay away from the small clumps of grass that grow on the paths because ticks can be lurking in them too. To prove this, I took photos this weekend of  ticks I saw on blades of grass growing on the Green Trail. It surprised me how many ticks I found. Therefore, my advice is to be cautious and to always check yourself for ticks, even if you stayed on the trails.  


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Turtle Eggs

Late Friday afternoon at Bunces Bridge, I spotted a turtle laying her eggs by the river's edge. I was heartbroken when I returned to the site on Sunday and saw that the eggs had been dug up and destroyed. I don't know who the hungry culprit could have been, but my guess is a fox or a raccoon. Every year I see this happen to turtle eggs in the Connetquot River State Park, but in spite of the seemly large egg casualties, I still see plenty of turtles sunning themselves on logs in the ponds.