Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Heckscher State Park Osprey Nest

The osprey population in Heckscher State Park seems to be increasing.  This year I noticed two new nests.  One is on top of a man-made platform that for years was empty until this year when a pair of osprey moved in and constructed a home. The other recently made nest, shown above, is on top of an interesting looking dead tree.  There is a sort of Gothic charm about the tree and nest, as though they were straight out of an Edward Gorey illustration. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Groundhog in Heckscher State Park

Yesterday when I was walking along the bicycle path in Heckscher, I saw a groundhog (also known as a woodchuck).  I wasn't able to get a decent photo of it, so I was happy to see it again today. It was chewing on grass, but occasionally stopped to give itself a good vigorous scratch. Perhaps it was trying to remove the ticks (A large one surrounded by several smaller ones) on the left side of its head.  I'm beginning to believe that the ticks are taking over the world, or at least the parks.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Fox in Heckscher State Park

On the bike path that borders parking lot 7 in Heckscher State Park, I saw this unhealthy looking fox. It seemed curious about me which sort of frightened me. It had engorged ticks on it and as if all that wasn't bad enough, it also seemed to have eye problems. Maybe that issue was related to the ticks on its face, but whatever the reason, it was a rather pathetic looking fox.