Wednesday, July 1, 2015

"The Moon Eating Up the Clouds"

Pastel drawing
There is a pastel drawing in my living room of the moon peeking through dark clouds.  It is an eerie but also romantic image. I thought of it when I stood in my backyard and looked up at this evening's sky. Thoreau wrote the following of such a scene, "...the moon traversing, or appearing to traverse, the small clouds which lie in her way, now obscured by them, now easily dissipating and shinning through them, makes the drama of the moonlight night to all watchers and night-travellers.  Sailors speak of it as the moon eating up the clouds.  The traveller all alone, the moon all alone, except for his sympathy, overcoming with incessant victory whole squadrons of clouds above the forests and lakes and hills." 

Photo of tonight's Sky


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