Connetquot in Pictures
This is a blog about the nature I see in the area of Connetquot, Long Island, New York. Many of my pictures are taken at Connetquot River State Park and Heckscher State Park.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Laughing Gulls
During the summer, it is easy to identify laughing gulls because their heads turn black. There are many of them in Heckscher State Park, where I mostly see them in flocks hanging out on the grassy fields. I have a lot of photos of them, but I like this one because the gull looks rather striking in flight with a blue sky background.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Honey Bees on Oregano
This photo of a honey bee on an oregano plant was taken today in my backyard. Several years ago, I planted oregano seeds which produced a lot of plants. Every year since, the plants keep spreading and have become a bit invasive. However, I noticed that honey bees seem to like the oregano flowers, so I don't mind. I did some internet research and discovered that my theory that honey bees love oregano is true. Here's what I learned from a website: "oregano is a favorite with honeybees. They will cover the plant and make it impossible to harvest from it, but they'll move on soon enough when the flowers fade." It does make me wonder though if any local beekeepers are noticing an oregano flavor to their honey.