Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bumble Bee

As I was mowing the lawn, I noticed that my hedges, which are in bloom, were covered with honey bees and bumble bees. I couldn't resist taking a picture of this bumble bee who was getting splattered with pollen as he worked away on the blossoms. Back in the days of Charles Darwin, bumble bees were called humble bees because their wings hum as they fly. Over the years, the name evolved into bumble, perhaps having something to do with their large clunky bodies. Although, I wouldn't recommend getting too close to any bee, my son when he was a preschooler would pet bumble bees and do so without getting stung. Those bees, just like the one in my photo, were too focused in their work to notice anything else. Even so, I would stop my son from petting them. When I'm looking at this picture, I admit that I am tempted to pet one too, but I'll resist. Instead I'll stay safe and just settle for taking pictures of them.


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