Friday, December 7, 2012

White-breasted nuthatch

From The Realist
The busy nuthatch climbs his tree,
Around the great bole spirally,
Under ruffled lichens gay,
Lazily piping one sharp note
From his silver mailed throat
Maurice Thompson

Above are photos of a white-breasted nuthatch that I saw today at the Connetquot River State Park bird feeders. Nuthatches are energetic little birds that often can be seen crawling along the sides of tree trunks in search of insects. Being that we are approaching winter, these birds are dining more at bird feeders. I have read that the male white-breasted nuthatch is very attentive to his mate. During their courtship, he will feed her by collecting a morsel of food, flying to her, and placing it in her bill. A very sweet ritual reminiscent of giving chocolates to your sweetheart.

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