Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seeing More

I am not a birder, but I do enjoy seeing birds and trying to identify them.  Occasionally I check out other blogs to find out what locals are seeing.  I came across one very interesting blog that has encouraged me to look among the ordinary to see the extraordinary.  You may be scratching your head at that remark, but if you checkout the blog (URL- you will see what I mean.  In the past every time I saw a flock of Canada Geese, I would look away due to lack of interest in this overly common species.  Who knew that other more unusual birds can sometimes be found in with Canada Geese. Well, I certainly didn’t.  Now whenever I see a flock of them, I scour the lot looking for something different and special.  Doing this reminds me a little of when my son and I studied the pictures in his Where’s Waldo books.  It can be a big challenge, but the payoff can be bigger. If you like learning about birds, I recommend you check out Derek's blog. It has helped me to see more during my walks.


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